Thursday, March 28, 2013

The topic of American Government is a very broad one. When asked to discuss my opinion on its current state its very conflicting. As a member of the armed forces, having first hand experience, there are aspects to which I have a differing opinion from what most of Middle America believes. It cannot be argued that we are currently in a budget crisis and foreign wars are very expensive. I have a strong conviction that we must put the brakes on the excessive spending. The banter in the media, and the current issues of the Supreme Court, focus on social issues such as gay marriage. These are issues, which I believe, should not even be questioned. Why is American Government exerting their power in social issues when we have yet to solve our financial crisis? The bulk of the population receives their information about governmental issues from media outlets; media outlets that rely upon ratings and advertisements. With this in mind, these media outlets focus on moving stories such as school shootings. The stories of school shootings move the average American into action. Political leaders and lobbiests are aware of this fact and use it to their advantage. There have, as of late, been a rash of similar stories covering shootings that are causing Americans to demand reform of gun laws. Lobbying groups such as the National Rifle Association have been in strong opposition to harsher gun control; which I agree with. These proposed laws are not going to positively impact the big picture. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. As a whole, America tends to waste energy on matters that are irrelevant and wasteful. While we grow deeper into debt the media continues to draw attention away from this and onto more “gripping” stories.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Obamacare or ObamaCant

In a recent article, The Cruel Things President Obama IsDoing To The Labor Market , by John C. Goodman, president and Kellye Wright Fellow in Health Care at the National Center for Policy Analysis, Dallas, TX, is a research fellow at The Independent Institute, Oakland, CA, and author, most recently, of “Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis” (2012, Independent Institute). This article is written to anyone wanting to be employed, employees, and employers. “Bottom line: employment opportunities are being curtailed by the imposition of ObamaCare.” Goodman has written a very clear cut article on the effects of Obamacare intertwined with raising the minimum wage, by increasing the minimum wage, this would cause a decline in job opportunities for young skilled workers. Goodman’s argument has supported evidence from the budget office and the IRS on how much this could cost us. I think in presenting this argument with the unaware people, will shock many, and because we are unaware what these “great” changes will do, we react so quickly with emotion rather than try and understand the cons and pros. I think this argument can really make me rethink what and who to believe in, when “they(political figures)” want to help the “people(you and me).” It makes you think is this a conspiracy, do I trust "them". It affects low income families, anyone unemployed and wasn’t this Obama’s “thing” to help create more jobs…. I don’t know where I stand on Obamacare because I pay for my own medical insurance but Goodman lays out a very important issue that no one really knows about or doesn’t want to know…..